Production Control
In order to achieve small-volume, large-variety production efficiently, Ho song has established a fully integrated system from sales to shipment to ensure our overall quality. Ho Song is also able to manufacture over 600 different types of parts by implementing ERP (Enterprise resource planning) system within a month.

1.Process Control
We will ensure every detail of the parts including Drawing number, Revision number, Control plan, SIP etc, from sample production to production order. We will also prepare related gauges, tools and fixture beforehand and documented for future use.
ERP records historical production data, when PO is placed via system, planning right from sales until shipment will be available in the system. ERP optimizes the utilization of manufacturing capacity and keep records for traceability.
3.Supplier Sub-Contract Management Process Control
We have a group of quality suppliers within areas like casting, forging, metal fabrication, surface treatment, heat treatment, and different range machining. Thru continuously partnership with our suppliers, Ho Song and its suppliers work as a team to provide wide range service, guarantee quality and secure lead time for our customers.
4.Organized Tooling Room
We focus on every detail to speed production, therefore we established a tooling room to organize and prepare our tooling to achieve better efficiency of production.